Monday, April 1, 2013

Don't Wish Your Life Away

Another month down.  I can’t believe how fast time flies.  Remember when you were a kid?  It seemed to take forever for summer to come, birthday’s to arrive and anything fun to happen.   I used to wish time flew faster and couldn’t wait for exciting events.  My Dad has always said “don’t wish your life away” and it took until I was an adult to understand what he meant.

  Now I blink and the time has gone.  I think as adults, we spend too much time in the past and future and not enough in the present.  Kids, for the most part, live here and now, doing what makes them happy right now.  I now take my Dad’s advice and still time is passing me by.  Part of my issue in the past few months (ok, year) is my dependence on my smart phone.  It’s an amazing time waster!  I’m on it checking emails, Facebook, twitter, playing games and the odd time reading a book constantly it seems.  This past few weeks has had me attempting to use it less and it’s working so far.  I’m attempting to live more in the moment (and do some spring cleaning in the process).

Which brings me to this present moment:  I am down another pound and I lost 1.5 inches this month too.  I usually only wear yoga pants, so I generally can’t tell if I’m losing based on how my clothes fit.  However, I have really noticed a difference lately with my coats.  I have a winter coat that was bought years ago and have only been wearing it if I don’t have to do it up and it fits even with a sweater under since early February.  I also bought a spring jacket about four years ago after I had lost about 20 lbs. with a popular program and it was tight when I bought it (because I wasn’t done losing) and now it fits better than ever. 

The reason for my talking about time flying earlier is that I always seem to be waiting for the end of a month to see how I’m doing.  With losing weight this slow, time seems to be flying and weight seems to be at a standstill.  I have lost 5 pounds this year, close to ½ pound a week, a perfectly healthy way to do it and yet I keep feeling like what I am doing is not working.  Another month passes and I’m still tonnes (ha, not quite) away from my goal.  I need to stop and realize that it is working, slowly but surely and stop wishing my pounds away, just keep plodding along….Living in the moment.

Happy Birthday Dad! 

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