Sunday, June 16, 2013

Nailed it!

Well, it's official!  I am a lifeguard!  Me!?  After months of practicing two days a week and the last two weekends including Friday nights, I passed the course. 

I do not think of myself as an athlete by any stretch.  However, if you compare my years before children to now, there is quite a difference.  BC (before children), the most activity I ever did was go for a walk and they were quite sporadic at best.  Immediately after I had my daughter 12 or so years ago, I got a little better and walked more often.  Then I joined the Y when we moved here and as I've mentioned before, took the fitness instructor's course so I wouldn't stop going to the Y.  My theory was: if a class was depending on me, I had to be there.  That worked, so I volunteered there for over 12 years, teaching anywhere from 1-5 classes a week.  Last year, when I became full time, I started teaching even more and being a little more adventurous (trapeze anyone?).  Now, I am swimming weekly (I even like it!).  I am going to play hockey (the jury is still out on that one).  I have a bike (and have even used it).  I give cyclefit classes for fun to coworkers (the ones in the challenge with me).  I went downhill skiing for the first time in over 20 years (and will go again, so $$$ though).  I golf weekly (and am really bad at it).

All in all, I am much more active than I used to be.  I have a picture in my car on my visor of my family when we went to Florida in 2008 and seeing it tonight reminded me of how far I have come already.  My weight isn't much less than that picture, but I am quite a bit smaller, (I think).  I just looked for a picture to post and apparently (luckily), I am always the one behind the camera.  Even if I'm not smaller, I'm way healthier and fitter and I'm also setting a better example for my children.  The rest WILL come.

Gotta go plan my next 12 days.  The competition is over on the 28th....