Tuesday, July 24, 2012

The Only Thing Constant is Change

Hi there!  Are you new here?  If so, head back to the beginning and read from there to get to know me and learn what's been going on with my attempt to get healthier.  If you aren't new, read on…
Since I started full time at the Y, I have had the opportunity to talk to many members about their goals and challenges.  The main theme I have found is that once "something" happens (moving, school starting, vacation over or starting, once my injury is better) then they will be ready to start exercising regularly and eating properly.  I am guilty of that too: once I've adjusted to my full time job, once the kids are back in school....
I'm sure I've posted a bit about this already but it needs to be repeated.  THIS IS LIFE!  There will always be something going on and if by chance there isn't at this time, it's just a matter of time before something does happen that will mess up your exercise and diet plans.  It’s how you deal with change and how you adapt to your current situation that will either make or break your resolve to workout and eat healthy.

Easier said than done right?  Are you going to let changes get you down?

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