Friday, July 13, 2012

New Approach

I’ve heard of this before: stop focusing on the scale; just eat healthy and exercise.  It doesn’t seem possible for me though.  I’ve lived my life based on the numbers on the scale.  Good days are (few and far between) when the number goes down and bad days are the norm when the scale doesn’t move or when it “shudder” goes up.
 However, it’s a learning experience for me every time I attempt to lose weight.  I am finding out what works (for me) and what doesn’t.  I am doing this publically not just as a motivator for me (I’ve seen how well that works!! Not at all apparently), but to help others find out what works for them.

So for the next few weeks, I’m going to try to fuel my body based on my workouts and my working out for my job.  I have the best job ever!  And I’m not just saying that because my bosses might read thisJ.  I work where people come to get fit and healthy.  I have the knowledge and networks to help me through this lifestyle change.  I am already at the gym and can’t use the excuse that I can’t get there.  My kids love coming to my work.  Help, motivation and yelling are just a request away and not just for me, for everyone, ask us! (Yelling is optional, it works for some, and I can help).

I am not looking for a quick fix, (I still am of course like everyone else, but I also know that’s not possible) this is my life; it has to be livable.  I am going to continue to try everyone’s classes, including the ones that scare me because I know how hard they are.  Aquafit is my next challenge.  I have the training.  I just need to go to some classes to see what everyone else is doing.  I have lived through a Kettle bells class and TRX training and loved it!  I can do the others too (Soon.  I think.  Probably.  Maybe.  Anyone want to come with me?) I’ll let you know how it works and how the classes go too.


  1. I would totally come for a low impact work out session with you( quad still not back to pre surgery strength)( In for Aquafit!!!) do you think we could get Todd to babysit Walker?

    1. That would be awesome. Todd works when the classes are offered, but Walker could go to play centre.
