Tuesday, July 24, 2012

The Only Thing Constant is Change

Hi there!  Are you new here?  If so, head back to the beginning and read from there to get to know me and learn what's been going on with my attempt to get healthier.  If you aren't new, read on…

Friday, July 13, 2012

New Approach

I’ve heard of this before: stop focusing on the scale; just eat healthy and exercise.  It doesn’t seem possible for me though.  I’ve lived my life based on the numbers on the scale.  Good days are (few and far between) when the number goes down and bad days are the norm when the scale doesn’t move or when it “shudder” goes up.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Just a week....

So I went to a training seminar last week for work and not only learned some great ideas I can apply at work, but some tips for me and my challenge. The training was on choices and changes.

Monday, July 2, 2012

I did it!

243, 278, 290.  Those were the calories I burned for the first three weeks since I challenged myself to get to 300 calories in a 30 minute cyclefit class (at 6:00 in the morning too!).  Last Friday: 301!!!!  I did it in less than a month!  If you are thinking of attempting this, it’s a lot harder than it sounds!  Ask any of the participants in the class that were trying too, it’s hard.  That 30 minutes does include the warm-up and most of the cool down too, so five minutes are gone there.  This has proven to me that I CAN accomplish what I set my mind to.