Monday, March 5, 2012

A couple of tips (and pounds lost…)

Well, there goes another month.  You know what they say about time flying when you are having fun?  I have managed to slow time down.  Just announce to the world (or locally) that you are going to lose weight every month and then write about it!  Publically!  Each month seems to take longer than the last.  I find myself waiting (impatiently, I add) for the end of the month, trying to lose a bit more weight and most importantly, not gain any back.
The moment you’ve all been waiting for (or at least, I have)…..
In the month of February I lost weight!  Yep, a whole two pounds this time and an inch from my hips.  To me, that sounds like so little, but it does work out to 1/2 pound a week which is the healthy way to do this journey.  Don’t worry if you can’t tell yet, I can’t either.  So far this year, three pounds and two inches have been lost.  I am ok with this because it certainly could have gone the other way too!
Especially when I “cheat” and buy snacks from that grocery store, you know, the one I can’t go into without buying something unhealthy.  However, this is life and I am not going to think of it as cheating, just straying from the path a bit.  As I have said many times, I am an all or nothing person and am trying to change that mindset and go with the flow a bit more.
I have always known that I eat when I am stressed over something: my kids not listening, husband included (one would think I would be used to those by now), money issues, not enough time in my day issues.  What it took me years to figure out was that if I got really stressed, I don’t eat as much.  So, for me to lose weight, I need to be really stressed (like last week).  I’m just kidding, I don’t recommend this method and for the record, it was a good stress.  Nonetheless, I found myself too busy to eat constantly, which is a good thing.  I did eat properly and didn’t skip meals as sometimes happens (just not to me!!) when people get too busy.  When you do find yourself crazy busy; try not to let the stress get to you.  Try a few yoga moves (the Y can help with those!), some deep breathing or just take a few minutes to regroup and focus on what’s really important to you.  I like the saying; “This too shall pass”.
Another tip is to not try to change all at once.  It sounds like I am cheating and taking my own sweet time on this weight loss.  When in actuality, I am trying to incorporate small changes weekly.  Instead of going all out and ending up failing when life gets in the way.  Which it does!
Don’t forget about the new class at the Y.  Y Weight? starts Monday, March 5 at 7:00pm in the studio.  A weigh in and measurements, followed by an information session and a ½ hour workout customized for you.  All of that included with your membership!!  Join me, Y Weight?

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