Friday, February 3, 2012

Dear Diary...This bites!

I thought that going public would embarrass me enough that I would smarten up and eat right.  Hmph!  I will treat January as a learning experience, what not to do, and move on.  It is now February and I promised an update on weight and measurements. 
So here goes:  Weight – 204, chest – 42”, waist – 36”, hips – 49”.  A loss of one pound and one inch in an entire month….

As you can see, I am a little shy of the 1-2 pounds that I intended to lose a week.  I know exactly where I have gone astray.  It’s my night time snacks!  I thought that once I told everyone (well, everyone reading this) my intentions, everything would fall in place.  Time for a different approach, I guess. 
Since the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results (Albert Einstein)(hmmm, sounds familiar), in February, I am either going to bed at 8:00 or working out for an hour before I watch any TV.  I need to get out of my comfort zone and totally change things.  It’s been too long since I did anything like that.
I did learn some things over the past month that I didn’t know during any other previous weight loss attempts;
·         Apparently the thought of [more] total embarrassment is not a big motivator for me.
·         Snacking at night is my downfall (or at least the main one).
·         I need my back working properly to do everything!
·         I cannot have snacks in the house without portioning them or I eat them all, frozen or not (Oh wait, I knew this!)
·         I still eat at night as a “reward” for getting through the day even though my “babies” are 11 and 7.
·         Even though I usually quit when I don’t see results even when I know I am the cause, that’s not going to happen this time. (Perhaps this blog was a good idea after all…)
So, even though January didn’t work out as planned, I am not entirely disappointed with myself.  I realized new information that I can use in the rest of my journey.  I figured out some things that didn’t work.  And since I base my success and/or mood on the numbers on the scale, it went the right way; down.  I know I shouldn’t do that, but it’s another flaw of mine.
PS - If you're a Tweeter, follow me @FollowMyYStory

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