I am not totally writing this blog for my own weight loss. If I was, I could write a diary and avoid the embarrassment of airing my bad habits to the public. From what I have gathered from talking to some of you who want to lose weight and have read this blog, you are in the same boat as I am. Attempting to lose weight time after time and if you succeed, you tend to gain the weight right back. Am I right?
I can’t do this alone and neither can you. We can help each other. One way that helps me is seeing people who have read this blog in public places, especially restaurants and the grocery store. Last weekend, I went to one of my favorite restaurants because they have coupons out right now (I like using coupons almost as much as I like eating!) and who should I see but someone I work with! I would love to tell you that I switched my order to a salad right then, but nope. In fact, I had planned for that meal and adjusted the rest of my day accordingly. However, next time I go there (or anywhere) I will think twice before I order. The grocery store is another area where I need help. My weekly shopping is actually great. I stick to my list and don’t get garbage. It’s the mid-week milk, bread and banana trips where I have issues. Especially one store where they have a few of my favorite items. I actually had to text my husband the other day to pick up milk because I could not walk into a store and just buy milk. I was preplanning my “treats” and couldn’t talk myself out of them.
You are helping me by being there (everywhere in fact!). Here is how I can help you; In addition to my regular updates, I will be adding a tip to help you get on the right track whether you have 5 or 50 pounds to lose. This post’s tip will be to make sure you drink at least eight glasses of liquids per day. Water is the best choice. However; coffee, tea, and milk are other suitable options. Just be wary of what you add to your hot beverages, the calories can really add up. I’m not a big fan of diet drinks because the jury is still out on many sweeteners and I prefer not to use them, but if you like them, that counts as a drink as well. Some of you may be wondering if alcohol counts (or hoping?). Technically, it would count as one of your eight BUT, there are many calories in most drinks and women should not be having more than one alcoholic drink per day anyways. The water you drink during exercise (and you should drink about 1 cup per half hour) does not count. You need extra water when you exercise so you do not get dehydrated. Start with small changes. This will take time!I can’t do this alone and neither can you. We can help each other. One way that helps me is seeing people who have read this blog in public places, especially restaurants and the grocery store. Last weekend, I went to one of my favorite restaurants because they have coupons out right now (I like using coupons almost as much as I like eating!) and who should I see but someone I work with! I would love to tell you that I switched my order to a salad right then, but nope. In fact, I had planned for that meal and adjusted the rest of my day accordingly. However, next time I go there (or anywhere) I will think twice before I order. The grocery store is another area where I need help. My weekly shopping is actually great. I stick to my list and don’t get garbage. It’s the mid-week milk, bread and banana trips where I have issues. Especially one store where they have a few of my favorite items. I actually had to text my husband the other day to pick up milk because I could not walk into a store and just buy milk. I was preplanning my “treats” and couldn’t talk myself out of them.
If you have questions or comments, I believe you can comment anonymously if you like, (remembering we are a family Y). Or contact me at tdafoe@ymcanorthumberland.com. I also have a twitter feed that you can follow @FollowMyYStory where I am posting the daily issues that arise, like trying to talk myself out of that nightly snack (so far so good, btw) and so on…
Buy more bread, milk and bananas the FIRST time you do groceries =)