Sunday, July 21, 2013


Before I got pregnant with my now 9 year old, I was "running" a few times a week.  By running, I mean moving at a speed between 4.5 and 5mph.  I am not quick by any stretch, but I was going about 4 miles (walk/run though) at a time back then.  I didn't mind it either.  Since I had my son, I keep trying to start again, but something always comes up:  need new shoes, need new bras, sore knees, hips, ankles, back....  You name the excuse, I've used it!  In my defence, the first two excuses are non-negotiable.  I cannot run without the proper attire, it just doesn't work, but I could have made sure I didn't have those excuses.  The others are kind of valid too as I need use of all of my appendages for my job or I can't do it properly.  Still, excuses none the less.

If you have been following, I started "running" again about a year ago, attempting to do the Terry Fox 5K in September.  I did complete that, but not very well and since then the usual excuses have been popping up, as well as the new one - not enough time, which is amusing because I had time to nap a couple times a week, but not go on the treadmill??  So I ended up maybe doing 5 jogs between September and May.

Long story to get to the point right?  Getting there....  During the challenge, I jogged a few times, surprising myself when I could continue my pace and even increase it for 10 whole minutes without having to stop and walk to rest my legs, hips or heart.  Last week, I did a mile, a time of 12:45 non-stop.  Today, I did 20 minutes without stopping and I could have continued (a wee bit).  That's over 1.5 miles!  I am quite impressed with myself.  I plan to jog twice a week, one  non-stop and one interval training to increase my endurance and speed.  I will be ready for this year's Terry Fox Run!!!  And lighter too!

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