Thursday, February 16, 2012

Slow and steady wins the race

This month seems easier for some reason.  I’m certainly not complaining!  I am not having as much trouble with not snacking at night as I thought I would...

Monday, February 13, 2012

A Woman's Week at the Gym

The following has been sent to me as an email many times and I couldn’t resist posting it (I did have to remove some of the nastier words as we are a family Y): 
Dear Diary,
For my birthday this year, my husband purchased a week of personal training at the local health club for me.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

It’s not all about me *sigh*….

I am not totally writing this blog for my own weight loss.  If I was, I could write a diary and avoid the embarrassment of airing my bad habits to the public.  From what I have gathered from talking to some of you who want to lose weight and have read this blog, you are in the same boat as I am.  Attempting to lose weight time after time and if you succeed, you tend to gain the weight right back.  Am I right?

Friday, February 3, 2012

Dear Diary...This bites!

I thought that going public would embarrass me enough that I would smarten up and eat right.  Hmph!  I will treat January as a learning experience, what not to do, and move on.  It is now February and I promised an update on weight and measurements.