Monday, February 18, 2013

A Snitch in my Midst

There is a snitch in my midst, so I better come clean….  She threatened to tell what I ate yesterday.  I will, instead, and offer my explanation (excuses) at the same time.  It all started last Tuesday.  I was the epitome of perfection for my diet that day.  I had packed a lunch knowing full well that pancakes were going to be served (free food!!) at lunchtime.  I continued being a model of good health by joining my fellow pancake eaters (all of regular weight btw) and eating my packed lunch not feeling left out because seriously?  For me, white flour and white sugar at lunchtime is a recipe for binging for a week.  I was ok.
I was stopping at Wal-Mart with my son after school that day for something we had run out of (can’t remember now).  He’s asking for pancakes because it’s pancake Tuesday.  I am not ever the parent who caves just to quiet their kid, I am the one who stubbornly sticks their ground because…well, I’m just a wee bit stubborn (ya ya, stop laughing people who know me).  I was saying no, but thought “poor kid, its pancake Tuesday and we almost never have pancakes,” so I said we could have pancakes.  And here starts my downfall.  Instead of making homemade whole wheat healthy ones (for which I have a tasty recipe), my lazy self decided that since it was last minute, I would buy the box of mix.  And they were amazing!  I don’t normally care for pancakes.  They are ok, but I can live without them.  Usually…
Fast forward to yesterday.  After a healthy breakfast of oatmeal and a short trip to work to add yet another volunteer to our wonderful Y, I got a craving!  My daughter and I had pancakes for lunch, LUNCH (with blueberries at least).  Remember what I said earlier about pancakes at lunch time for me?  Add to that the fact that it was now 7:30pm and I had only had a banana since eating lunch at noon, I was understandably hungry (for me).  This brings me to my snitch.  She happened to be with me as we are flying through Union Station late for our date with Jon.  I didn’t want to pay $20 for a sandwich at the ACC, so I stopped for a pretzel.  Mmmm, I love salt and soft pretzels!  Now if my story stopped there, it would have been an unhealthy eating day, but ok for calories.  Nope, thanks to my white flour, white sugar day, I was starving later on.  So at 11:00 at night I ate McDonalds.
The good news is, snitch, that I stopped my unhealthy day at one and got (semi) back on the wagon today.  As much as I am making it sound like I am unhappy with my snitch, I’m glad she threatened to tell.  Again, seeing my downfalls in writing makes it clearer to me what happens when something goes wrong.  I should have just made one meal of healthy pancakes and I could have avoided this guilty and bloated feeling yesterday.  Or I could have packed a snack because I knew we weren’t going to have much time before we saw Jon and we certainly didn’t want to miss our third date with him!  Or after, I could have gotten some healthy fare for the trip home at the store right next to McD’s.  So many choices that could have made my day different.  It’s all about the choices: because we can!

BTW, our “date” was with Bon Jovi last night :)

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