Monday, February 18, 2013

A Snitch in my Midst

There is a snitch in my midst, so I better come clean….  She threatened to tell what I ate yesterday.  I will, instead, and offer my explanation (excuses) at the same time.  It all started last Tuesday.  I was the epitome of perfection for my diet that day.  I had packed a lunch knowing full well that pancakes were going to be served (free food!!) at lunchtime.  I continued being a model of good health by joining my fellow pancake eaters (all of regular weight btw) and eating my packed lunch not feeling left out because seriously?  For me, white flour and white sugar at lunchtime is a recipe for binging for a week.  I was ok.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013


I’m wondering if the last month of eating well was because I wasn’t feeling 100%?  It’s either that or my weekend of shame caused me to start my usual binging again.  Granted, it’s nowhere near as bad as it used to be, but I’m back to feeling blah and eating everything in sight.  Luckily my self-imposed budget isn’t allowing for much to be in sight to eat, but there is still damage to be done at my house.  I can over eat healthy food almost as easy as I can gorge on garbage.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Mmmm cookies!

Up until today, I was doing fantastic.  I’ve kept on losing at a decent rate, enough to meet my goal, but not too many to cause issues like today.  It’s not that I have been losing too fast and now I’m binging.  I’m blaming it on the fact that I bought the cookies and didn’t leave them in the store…

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Skiing AND swimming this month!

A few tweaks this month and I'm down.  It's mainly because of working in the afternoons now.  If I snack, it's from my healthy stash at work.  Another big reason is that I'm not bringing the junk food home from the grocery store.  If it’s not in the house, I can't eat it.  I am also thinking before I just shove food aimlessly into my mouth (sometimes, not always, I'm far from perfect).  Making some of my portions smaller hasn't hurt either.