Thursday, January 10, 2013

Are you ready?

Are you ready for the New Year?  I am.  I have my goals all figured out: short-term and long-term.  I am doing weekly and monthly goals and even have some six month goals figured out. More on those later…

After having my weight fluctuate like my moods in December, it finally settled on the number over there on the left hand side of your screen.  Even writing it down once makes me mad.  In a year I lost and maintained a loss of 8 pounds.  Whoopty-do!  That’s 1.5 pounds a month (less actually because I started the October before).  At this rate, I’ll hit my goal weight in about 4 years.  That is not an option.  I’m far too impatient to wait that long.
So last week’s goal was to work out four days over and above the classes I teach.  I accomplished that.  One week down.  This week’s goal is to figure out two of my bad habits (out of the many) and pick two days where I do something else instead.  I chose nighttime snacking and afternoon snacking.  Done!
Last post I mentioned afternoon snacking and how I had plans to overcome that bad habit.  Don’t get me wrong, there is nothing bad about afternoon snacking, in fact it’s necessary.  However, my choices were not optimal.  Ever.  My plan is now in motion to stop the unhealthy afternoon snacking.  I just got some extra hours at work as the volunteer team lead.  It will require most of my afternoons and I will only have healthy snacks at work, so hopefully problem solved.  So far so good, I have worked three afternoons this week and haven’t had a “bad” snack at all, just something small to tide me over to dinner.
The monthly goals I have made for myself for January are to “run” (slow jog really) twice per week and swim once a week as well as lose 8 pounds.  Since I only lost 8 in the past year, 8 in a month seems quite daunting, but totally doable.  We’ll see.

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