Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Worth the wait?

Phew!  Now that Body Shop is over and my Christmas shopping is completed (yep, that’s right, done!), I have some free time. 
Don’t get me wrong, I love Body Shop (and shopping of course) and it’s great to see the results from both of my teams.  Everyone in the competition did a fantastic job, increasing cardio, decreasing inches….  However, it’s nice that it’s only once a year too because it’s so time consuming.  Not just for me, but for all of the participants.  They put hours in working out, learning new things and planning.  It’s kind of a jump start for motivating people to exercise and lose weight.  It was actually when I started my journey (most recent, anyways) a year ago.  Not that there is any excuse why I haven’t been posting, except for laziness.  The fact is that nothing is changing, no inches or pounds lost, so it seemed pointless to post.

BTW, this is not me...
I have however, been doing lots of new fun things.  The best being flying from a trapeze!  If I had been asked a year ago to go to circus school, the answer would have been a resounding NO!  However, this past year, even though I haven’t lost much, has been about trying new things that I would never have thought about trying before.  It was fantastic!  And crazy scary!  Luckily there was a harness AND a big net, or I don’t think I would have been able to even with my new outlook.  I got to go up three times, hung upside down and did a back flip off.
At the end of this year, I am doing a list of all I have completed in a year, what was planned and not completed and a list of what my goals are for next year.  This will be the list I use in planning my workouts and meals.  I am going to get on track eating wise.  It’s said that 80% of losing weight is what you eat.  I have certainly proven that this year.  A sneak peak: one of my goals deals with next year’s Black Friday shopping trip and will require months of dedication.
My first plan for January will be to get my afternoons in control.  Lately all I do is eat, sleep or read.  My subconscious feels that since I have worked out and gotten up early, I “deserve” a break, nap or food.  I know better, but tell that to me when I get home and it’s nice and quiet, perfect scenario for the above.
I will also be trying to post a little more frequently.  I’m sure my only reader must be concerned when I don’t post often J

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