Sunday, May 20, 2012

Back on the wagon

I have printed out my last blog post and put it on my counter so I can see it daily.  I will be working on the six points that I mentioned, so that I don’t fall so far into the usual trap that I can’t drag myself out again.
I am calculating my daily caloric intake on so I know it’s more accurate than my usual guessing.  However, I have been guessing for over 20 years now and am actually pretty good, but sometimes I lower the calories to give me more options later.  I know, I am just cheating myself, but some days it’s required.  Fitday keeps me honest and actually has a nutrition part where you can see all of the vitamins and minerals that you have eaten during the day and adjust your diet accordingly.  If you eat Canada’s Food Guide properly, you will get all you need, but who’s perfect?
I am drinking more water daily.  Yesterday I had a big breakfast so that I wasn’t hungry later and if it wasn’t the long weekend, that theory might have worked….I have slept in all weekend (I will have to go to bed early during the week, since sleeping in isn’t an option).  My meals are planned for the rest of the week and I just had an excellent lunch with all four food groups.  Mmmm, a western sandwich with flax bread.  Not the same as when I used to eat it at Zellers, but everything tastes better when someone else makes it, right B and J?
Once again I feel as if I am ready to conquer my food demons!  Another thing that helps is that I got a very motivating message on fb from one of my friends and am going to use those words to keep me going when it gets extra hard.  Thanks L!
The first TRX session is planned for Wednesday, May 23 at noon.  Message me somehow if you are interested in coming as we do have limited space, but there are a few spots left.  It will be less than an hour of torture training.

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