Monday, March 25, 2013

The End of a Week

It takes me a few days to organize my menu for the week.  I go grocery shopping once a week, generally Friday, Sunday at the latest.  I (or my kids) wash and cut the fruits and vegetables on the weekends, because I know myself: If they aren’t ready to eat, they rot and get thrown out.  That actually never happens anymore, because I hate wasting money and food and I know better now.  

Sunday, March 3, 2013


A quick post to sum up February:  blah

I started out great but part way through lost momentum.  I was fighting a cold for the last few weeks and ended up losing that fight.  I did manage to lose 1 pound making this year's loss a whopping 6 pounds so far.  I haven't adjusted the monthly goals I had yet, so in order to catch up, I need to get my act together for March.  I AM wearing coats that only used to fit when I was 15-20 pounds lighter (bought the last time I lost weight).  So that's a bonus!  On the flip side, I float and I mean I can't stay on or near the bottom for my training and we all know fat floats.  I am not going up this time.  I know what works for me and I'm getting closer every month (lately).  That's all for today.