Monday, June 11, 2012

Low ropes and more

Phew!  Last week went so much better than last month.  I am on track and have been for a week.  I plan every one of my meals and snacks with the knowledge that changes are likely and try to keep with the same calories if I have to change. 
I am actually setting fitness goals instead of breezing through my classes.  For example, I am attempting to burn 300 calories (according to the bike, not my body) in my 30 minute cyclefit class Friday mornings at 6:00am, (yep AM!) when I am generally around 250.  I will be getting heavier hand weights for another class and I am actually doing all (well, most) of my classes with my participants.  Unlike when my back hurt and I pretty much watched the class and instructed verbally.

  Last week, I also had two opportunities to step outside of my comfort zone.  I did once.  I went to the outdoor low ropes course training at my Y.  It was for the summer camp counsellors who are all way younger and way skinnier than I am.  However, as an adult fitness leader, the low ropes course can come in handy for boot camp and other similar scenarios, so I went.  Actually, I was told to go.  I wouldn’t have gone if I didn’t have to.  But I did and I had fun and I’m glad I went.  It was definitely something I never would have tried on my own though.
The other opportunity was that I could actually make it to an Olympic lifting class.  I had the kids looked after and was totally going.  Then my friend who was coming with me, cancelled and I lost the nerve.  I have blamed it on her, but there was nothing stopping me.  In fact, I stood and watched some of the class from about five feet away.  I was telling myself that I wasn’t warmed up so I couldn’t do it, but that would have only taken five minutes.  I didn’t do it because I didn’t want to look like a fool in front of the others and the people upstairs who can see into the gym.  I know none of these people care or are even watching, but I couldn’t get the nerve up.  I did make it into the gym and next time, (there will be a next time) will actually do it.
I know how much different I feel when I am eating totally healthy.  I’m not as tired or grumpy.  I feel positive, energetic and get so much more done in a day.  And yet, I keep falling off the wagon because I think junk food tastes so good and it’s so convenient.  I also overeat because I have some undetermined issues and periods of boredom to address.  It’s not worth it.  I have said it before and I keep repeating myself in hopes of it sinking in someday.  Eating too much is not worth it!

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